Ohio - Kent State - University Campus
67 colpi sparati in 13 secondi.
4 studenti uccisi perché colpiti alle spalle.
9 studenti feriti perché colpiti alle spalle.
Mentre scappavano di fronte all'attacco della polizia.
Mentre protestavano contro l'invasione della Cambogia.
Ordinata dal presidente Nixon.
- Joseph Lewis, Jr., 20 yards, wounded in the right abdomen and the left lower leg.
- Thomas V. Grace, 20 yards, wounded in the left ankle.
- John R. Cleary, 37 yards, wounded in the left upper chest.
- Allen Michael Canfora, 75 yards, wounded in the right wrist.
- Jeffrey Glenn Miller, 85 to 90 yards, killed by a shot in the mouth.
- Dean R. Kahler, 95 to 100 yards, wounded in the left side of the small of his back. A bullet fragment lodged in his spine, and he is paralyzed from the waist down.
- Douglas Alan Wrentmore, 110 yards, wounded in the right knee.
- Allison B. Krause, 110 yards, killed by a bullet that passed through her left upper arm and into her left side
- James Dennis Russell, 125 to 130 yards, wounded in the right thigh and right forehead
- William K. Schroeder, 130 yards, killed by a shot in the left back at the seventh rib.
- Sandra Lee Scheuer,130 yards, killed by a shot through the left front side of the neck.
- Robert Stamps, 165 yards, wounded in the right buttock.
- Donald Scott Mackenzie, 245 to 250 yards, wounded in the left rear of the neck.
Soundtrack: Shots on a massacre on 4th May, 1970
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.
Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.

Ricordo di un'epoca che non sembra mai finire.
Ricordo di un modo di pensare, guardando la realtà.
Ricordo di una volontà di essere.
Sempre e solo se stessi, irriducibilmente leali.
Indipendentemente dal resto della società che vive anestetizzata.
Addormentata ed esclusa dalla propria dignià di pensare.
Route 66 diventa route 61. Oggi.
Soundtrack: Ohio - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSN 1974)
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